Why do you need a branding video?

a person in a black sweater filming a group of people sitting around a desk talking

In the 1980s, your company had to be listed in the Yellow Pages so everyone knew your business existed.  Do you feel old now?

In the 1990s, your company had to have business cards to be taken as a serious business.  

In the 2000s, you had to have a computer-based business to stay up to speed with the rapid changes in the industry.  

By 2010, you had to have a website to be considered credible.

By 2015, you had to have a company culture to let everyone know you were not some faceless monster. 

By 2018, you had to have a blog.

By 2020, you needed to have multiple social media outlets.

By 2022, you needed a company intro video to let people see what you are all about.

It is no longer 1980.  You need to have a business intro video. Maybe several of them.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth 1.8 million words.

Your business needs an introduction video because videos capture the attention of the audience and boost engagement far more effectively than any other media.  Why else would those famous Super Bowl ads cost so much? As of now, video is king, and it is the most effective format to build your brand in a compelling way. Just like in the early 2000s when businesses were switching over to being computer-based to get ahead of the curve, it is the companies right now that are creating their branding videos that are getting ahead of the competition. They understand that one day, pretty soon, it will be near impossible to function without that video media presence to capture the attention of their clients.  

Branding videos allow businesses to create engaging content that resonates with their target audience and conveys their core values and brand message. By leveraging branding videos, businesses can improve their branding efforts by creating visually appealing and emotionally compelling videos, while also providing valuable information about their products or services. 

The benefits of branding videos are vast. For starters, a branding video gives companies the opportunity to showcase their products in an attractive manner and create an emotional connection with viewers. This helps to engage customers on a more personal level, allowing them to build relationships with brands that they may not otherwise be exposed to. 

A branding video can be relatively cost-effective, depending on how you go about it. It might be difficult to make a video using only the money you find between the seat cushions of your couch, but you might also not want to spend as much as those Super Bowl ads I mentioned before. There can be a happy medium, but it all depends on what you are comfortable with and how creative you want to be. 

Things on the Internet tend to stay there forever.  That’s a good thing, depending on the type of video you made.  For branding videos that means they will have a longer shelf life than other forms of advertising, because they can be reused in various ways, like social media platforms.  Repurposing your branding video can allow you to maximize the impact of a branding campaign over time and across multiple channels. These multiple channels (websites, blogs, YouTube, social media, email campaigns, podcasts, etc.) further increase your reach and improves the chance of conversions.  

Overall, branding video provides numerous advantages for businesses looking to increase customer visibility and engagement. Not only does it afford companies the opportunity to create emotionally engaging content for customers but also enables them to reach wider audiences through various channels at a potentially lower cost than traditional advertising methods, making it one of the most efficient marketing tools available today.

The web is already seeing a decline in how much blog reading is taking place as surfers flock to videos to consume content in a quicker and more compelling format.  That trend is only increasing in speed. The decline in blog reading has to do with the increasingly fast-paced lifestyle of people that need quick and digestible information. Videos provide an immersive and dynamic experience, allowing the audience to quickly understand the message being conveyed. Companies are adapting to this change and are prioritizing video content in their marketing strategy to reach their audience more effectively. The 2019 State of Video Marketing report by Wyzowl found that 87% of businesses use video as a marketing tool and 99% of those who use it say they will continue to do so in the future. Are you part of that 87%?

Some companies are even creating their own in-house production crew to streamline the process.  While your own in-house crew is not a reasonable, or necessary, solution for most businesses, it does prove the point that leading businesses have figured out the necessity for creating a video that introduces your company to the world in an engaging way.  Don’t get left behind.

Solomon Advising is a marketing & branding agency focused on helping professional services firms retain their relevance and ensure sustainability by consistently promoting a credible brand. Contact us today to see how we can help improve your brand’s health.


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